TUG Connects 2019: Central Data Guide

From March 13th -16th, Central Data will be returning to TUG Connects in Orlando. This annual user conference for Infor SX.e, Infor FACTS and Cloud Suite Distribution customers is an annual “must attend” event for operational leaders at distribution companies.
This years event is packed with informative sessions, demonstrations and keynote presentations featuring Charles Phillips, Peter Sheahan and Jacqueline Woods.
The official TUG Connects 2019 agenda can be viewed here and don’t forget to visit our booth at the Distribution Marketplace.
Central Data team members will be leading several sessions including:
Thursday, March 14th
8:00 – 9AM – Session #216
Tips and Tricks for Using and Personalizing SX.e WebUI
Julie Zindle, Central Data Systems
Tips and tricks will be shared for the Version 11 WebUI browser based version of SX.e. We’ll be sharing some little known but super neat shortcuts as we go. Learn how to maximize your grid options, workflows and how to set your Personalization Settings to help you fly through entry. Keyboard shortcuts will be included in the bag of tricks. Bring your best tips to share with the group as well as we all explore WebUI benefits together.
Thursday, March 14th
1:45 – 2:45 PM – Session #205
Considering an upgrade? Here are all of your options
Julie Zindle, Central Data Systems
Are you considering an upgrade to your SX.e system? We will discuss the options you have and what to consider as you go through the process. Are you considering CloudSuite Distribution or are you staying on premise? Are there features (or fixes) you’ve been waiting for? What will you do about your modifications and third party addons? How will you handle training your end users? The goal of this session will be to guide you through all of the options and the opportunities for your next upgrade.
Thursday, March 14th
1:00 – 1:30 PM – Sponsor Demo #522
Introducing Enterpristore Ecommerce for CloudSuite Distribution
Daryl Ziegelman & Midge Davidson, Central Data Systems

Central Data will discuss the advantages of Enterpristore for CloudSuite Distribution, a fully integrated e-commerce solution powered by AWS. Affordable and scalable.
Thursday, March 14th
1:45 – 2:45 PM – Session #218
Next Generation Order Entry – What Does WebUI Bring to the Table?
Daryl Ziegelman, Central Data Systems
WebUI Order Entry has more changes than any other SX.e module. Come see how you can take advantage of the great new way to take orders.
Friday, March 15th
1:00 – 1:30 PM Sponsor Demo #523
The Future of Multichannel Commerce
Daryl Ziegelman & Midge Davidson, Central Data Systems

Central Data in partnership with Elysium Innovations will discuss how to achieve SX.e connectivity and seamless integration to leading multichannel platforms including Sellbrite, BigCommerce, ChannelAdvisor and Listing Mirror.
Friday, March 15th
1:45 – 2:45 PM – Session 215
WebUI / CSD Navigation Techniques
Daryl Ziegelman, Central Data Systems
You are now on WebUI / CSD. How do you get around? Sure it is still SX.e but do your users know how to find Order Entry or Cash Receipts? Learn tips and tricks that will help your users adopt to the new interface quickly.
Friday, March 15th
3:15 – 4:15 PM – Session 217
Using Smart Phones and Tablets in SX.e / WebUI / CSD
Tina Rood, Central Data Systems
Yes you can you use Smart Phone and Tablets! Managing your business in the field and in the office. I will show you the capabilities and limitations you have in WebUI / CSD using your smart phone or tablet.
11:00 – 12:00 PM – Session 255
SX.e / WebUI – Administrator Options (AO)
Tina Rood, Central Data Systems
Thinking of upgrading? See what’s new in Administrator Options (AO). We will walk through all the different functions in Administrative Options to see what has been added, changed or removed!